domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017


On Friday, August 11, neo-Nazi, racist, nationalist demonstrators gathered in the university town of Charlottesville, Virginia to protest against blacks, Jews, gays and immigrants. Groups marched through the streets, insulting blacks, Jews and immigrants, but the big demonstration took to the streets on Saturday and there were clashes and deaths. The neo-Nazi slogans were: "You will not replace us," referring to immigrants; "White Lives Matter," as opposed to the black movement "Black Lives Matter"; Death to the Antifas ", abbreviation of" antifactores ", opponents to the neo-Nazis. 

The immediate motive behind the neo-Nazi protest was against the removal of a statue of General Robert E. Lee / 1807/1870 from a local parquet. Lee was commander of the Civil War, between 1861/1865, when the States of the South wanted to separate of the North, defending the slavery. 

The groups that promoted the demonstration against blacks, gays and immigrants are voters of President Donald Trump. One of the participants, who belonged to the Ku Klux Klan, a faction responsible for black murders, told the press: "Let us fulfill Donald Trump's promises to return to our country." Duke told Trump: "If you look in the mirror and remember that it was the whites who put you in power. The government, on Twitter, called the confrontation an "eminent civil war." Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, declared a state of emergency after the confrontation between neo-Nazis and anti-fascists. House Speaker Mike Signer said the demonstration was "a cowardly parade of hatred, prejudice, racism and intolerance.

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